VivoQuant™ Pre-clinical Image Post-processing

VivoQuant™ is Invicro's multi-modality post-processing suite for SPECT, CT, PET, MR, Optical and and Autoradiography imaging data. DICOM, NifTI, and raw data can be imported as well as many proprietary formats from pre-clinical imaging equipment. VivoQuant combines fundamental viewing functionality with powerful tools for fine-tuning images, isolating and analyzing regions of interest, and more. Multiple display modes including orthogonal views, slice views, special co-registration multi-views as well as 3D MIP and volume renderings allow users to optimally view information of interest. Built-in tools allow the imaging scientist to extract the information she or he needs with minimal effort.
Please contact us at for more details on how to trial VivoQuant.

2024-09-13 » VivoQuant 5.2.0 Release

VivoQuant 5.2 improves upon the 5.1 release with a number of fixes as well as enhancements to the Splitting Operator, DICOM Header editing, working with the Brain Atlas tool, and the Time Series Operator.

Highlights include:

  • 3D Splitting — Users can now quickly view and edit a splitting shape in three dimensions. Being able to have direct manipulation of the shape with your mouse in three dimensions increases the speed of making a good initial split. By unlocking splitting in 3D, VivoQuant provides analysts with a more intuitive and versatile set of tools for defining and manipulating their split shapes which continues to include precision manipulation with the operator’s improved User Interface.

  • DICOM Header Tags Editing — Editing DICOM Tag values has been greatly enhanced with this release with a dedicated DICOM editor. We’ve reduced the need for image analysts to communicate errors upstream and wait for the corrected data. Additionally, the editing of DICOM values can be restricted (made non-editable) in a configuration file.

  • Atlas Translation Options for Whole Animal Data Sets — In addition to existing atlas translation operations (using the Head Center), users can now use a cursor seed point to perform translations to make using atlases with Whole Animal Data more efficient without workarounds.

  • Multi-frame Acquisition Time Awareness in the Time Series Operator — The time series operator has been enhanced with options to provide a more faithful representation of the imaging data's temporal dynamics. With MultiFrame Acquisition Time Awareness, playback in the Time Series Operator in VivoQuant is no longer a flat experience. Duration-based playback helps analysts see relevant information more quickly and enhances the overall user experience while also improving movie export options.

VivoQuant 5.2.0 also contains bug fixes and other improvements:

  • Enhanced VTK’s view-display area (the 3D display) by providing room for rotations. Along with a toggle button to snap back to the default bounds, when needed.
  • VQ Pre-Processing Tool will now have improved handling of special characters, e.g. ^ , / and spaces as well as messaging for certain errors.
  • Easier loading of settings in the MAS tool as well as a checkbox option that allows controlling whether the MAS tool closes after running or not (sometimes you want to see the logs quickly and sometimes not).
  • We’ve made it so that Auto-Zoom does not lock other zoom options. This saves you a click so you no longer have to turn auto-zoom off before zooming in or out.
  • Added support of White Light / RGB data for the ROI Operator.
  • See the full VivoQuant Release Notes for 5.2.0 (PDF)

2024-06-03 » VivoQuant 5.1.0 Release

VivoQuant 5.1.0 improves upon the 5.0.1 release with a number of fixes as well as enhancements to the Arithmetics operator, the Splitting Operator and improves the link between the 3D ROI tool and the Data Manager.

Highlights include:

  • Arithmetics operator: plus one more function — We’ve added the ability perform a time weighted average across selected dynamic images. Weights can be set manually per-frame or derived from DICOM header entries. This operation is particularly helpful in the context of accurate dynamic PET image analysis: averaged images are often used to create single-frame representations of one (or more) subsets of the full dynamic dataset for both qualitative and quantitative analysis. For either of these analyses to be accurate the averaging must be calculated using frame durations as weights — prior to this release weighted averages were performed by VQScript, but now users can do them right from within VivoQuant.

  • The Power of Names — If you take the time to name an ROI in the 3D ROI tool and you export it to the Data Manager, VivoQuant will now use the name you supplied in the Data Manager too making it easier to understand what data is what. We’ve also left the old style as a preference for users who don’t want the names to carry over.

  • Sometimes a Single-Frame is all you need — We’ve added the option to export dynamic PET data to Single Frame DICOM image.

  • Accessibility improvements — Voxel Value Widgets could be hard to read in VQ’s Dark Mode. We’ve improved the contrast for everyone.

  • Splitting Operator UI improvements — We’ve re-organized the controls within the splitting operator as well as adding access to manipulate a cylinder’s height. Additionally, when directly manipulating the shape in the view we refresh the values in the UI. We’ve also updated the inputs and rotation icons for the post-processing rotation.

See the full VivoQuant 5.1.0 Release Notes PDF for more detail.

2024-04-25 » VivoQuant 5.0.0 and 5.0.1 Release

VivoQuant 5.0.0 introduces customer requested features and updates as well as backend improvements and modernization enhancing security and performance — along with improvements to crash reporting. VivoQuant 5.0.1 additionally corrects a minor startup issue.

Highlights include:

  • Splitting Operator for all — we’ve made the Splitting Operator, used to quickly separate hotel images or section images as needed, available as as part of the base VivoQuant experience to speed up your workflow. You can split to the Data Manager for further analysis or Split to Files for output.

  • Improved Splitting Operator selection — we’ve made the stroke of the split selection more visible and also given you greater control for adjusting it on the fly.

  • Label images for outputs — we’ve enhanced the labeling in VivoQuant to provide greater flexibility over the labeling options and the ability to apply them to your saved movies and images. You can label images on screen differently from your file output as well as having multiple file output templates available to you.

  • Native UNIT option support — now you can save an image with the raw intensities rather than assuming a unit for ROI output so that you can avoid conversions when you want. By default, VivoQuant’s ROI output operations will attempt to convert your data to the unit specified in the Units of Activity drop down e.g. MBq. Now you can uncheck the box when working with the raw intensities is to your advantage.

  • Modeling Operator clarity — your options within the operator are now categorized between PK Input Functions, PK Modeling, and MR modeling for better organization and to help identify PK Input steps. Additionally, the operator provides better hints to you when you select an option, rather than telling you after you run it.

  • Improved Crash reporting — in addition to capturing recent crash information users can now create a video recording to more clearly demonstrate issues seen in the software.

  • More information to ground you — StudyDescription sourced from reference data is now part of the identifying information (PatientID, Modality, and SeriesDescription) at the top of VivoQuant.

See the full VivoQuant Release Notes 5.0.0 | 5.0.1

2023-12-08 » VivoQuant 2022 patch2 Release

Announcing the official release of VivoQuant™ 2022 patch2. This is a minor update that includes fixes for Zipacs session files, including the ability to choose where sessions are stored.
See the full Release Notes.
Please contact us for more information or other inquiries about licensing.

2023-10-23 » VivoQuant 2022 patch1 Release

Announcing the official release of VivoQuant™ 2022 patch1. Features and improvements include:
  • VivoQuant settings can be more easily shared in .ini format files
  • Fixes to RTSTRUCT ROI import into single frame images
  • More dialogs have correct theming applied
  • Improvements to zoom behavior

  • See the full Release Notes.
    Please contact us for more information or other inquiries about licensing.

    2023-03-07 » VivoQuant 2022 Release

    Announcing the official release of VivoQuant™ 2022. Features and improvements include:
  • Major upgrades to third-party library dependencies
  • Enhanced support for loading and saving RTStruct ROI files
  • Dark Mode user interface
  • Floating license model
  • First officialy supported Ubuntu release
  • Many bug fixes
  • See the full Release Notes.

  • Please contact us for more information or other inquiries about licensing.