This is the complete list of members for ScriptMaster, including all inherited members.
abort() | ScriptMaster | |
analyzeImporter() | ScriptMaster | |
appendFile(string fn, string text) | ScriptMaster | |
applicationName() | ScriptMaster | inline |
askForCancelReason(bool ask) | ScriptMaster | |
askYesNoQuestion(string msg, bool modal=true) | ScriptMaster | |
atlasPath() | ScriptMaster | |
auditTrailGenerateNewUID() | ScriptMaster | |
auditTrailMessage(string msg, string project="/", string type=string()) | ScriptMaster | |
availableItems(string name) | ScriptMaster | |
availableItemsObj(Object obj) | ScriptMaster | |
availableOperators() | ScriptMaster | |
bedRemoval(string bedName=string()) | ScriptMaster | |
bedRemovalTool() | ScriptMaster | |
BrainAtlasTool(bool visible=true, bool quiet=false) | ScriptMaster | |
brukerImporter() | ScriptMaster | |
centerCursor() | ScriptMaster | |
clearCallback() | ScriptMaster | |
clearHash() | ScriptMaster | inline |
controler() | ScriptMaster | |
copyFile(string filepath, string newpath) | ScriptMaster | |
cos(double f) | ScriptMaster | inline |
counter(int c, int s) | ScriptMaster | inline |
currentDcmRep() | ScriptMaster | |
currentOp() | ScriptMaster | |
currentView() | ScriptMaster | |
dataList() | ScriptMaster | |
dataManager() | ScriptMaster | |
dcmRep(string text) | ScriptMaster | |
debug(string text) | ScriptMaster | |
deleteFile(string filepath) | ScriptMaster | |
deletePath(string path) | ScriptMaster | |
dicomBrowser(AbstractDicomRepository *rep) | ScriptMaster | |
dicomBrowserLoad(AbstractDicomRepository *rep, string studyInstanceUID, string seriesInstanceUID, bool append=false, bool isPlanar=false, bool force4Dto3D=false) | ScriptMaster | |
dicomBrowserLoad(DicomBrowser *dcmBrowser, string studyInstanceUID, string seriesInstanceUID, string sopInstanceUID=string()) | ScriptMaster | |
downloadImages(AbstractDicomRepository *rep, string studyInstanceUID, string seriesInstanceUID, string sopInstanceUID=string()) | ScriptMaster | |
downloadImages(string targetDir, AbstractDicomRepository *rep, string studyInstanceUID, string seriesInstanceUID, string sopInstanceUID=string()) | ScriptMaster | |
downloadImages(string targetDir, bool forceRedownload, AbstractDicomRepository *rep, string studyInstanceUID, string seriesInstanceUID, string sopInstanceUID=string()) | ScriptMaster | |
eCRF() | ScriptMaster | |
eCRFCallback() | ScriptMaster | |
evalDialog(string text=string()) | ScriptMaster | |
fileExists(string path) | ScriptMaster | |
flatIndex(int i) | ScriptMaster | |
folderExists(string path) | ScriptMaster | |
frand() | ScriptMaster | |
gelImporter() | ScriptMaster | |
getBedRemovalWidget(string name) | ScriptMaster | |
getCache() | ScriptMaster | inline |
getConfig(string entry, string defaultValue=string()) | ScriptMaster | |
getCorticalThicknessTool() | ScriptMaster | |
getCurrentDir() | ScriptMaster | inline |
getDcmString(AbstractDicomRepository *rep, string tag, string studyInstanceUID, string seriesInstanceUID, string sopInstanceUID) | ScriptMaster | |
getDefaultPal(string modality, int i) | ScriptMaster | |
getDicomAnonymizer() | ScriptMaster | |
getDicomRelabeler() | ScriptMaster | |
getDouble(string title, string label, double value=0, double min=-2147483647, double max=2147483647, int decimals=1) | ScriptMaster | |
getDoubleInteractive(string title, string label, double value=0, double min=-2147483647, double max=2147483647, int decimals=1) | ScriptMaster | |
getEnv(string key, string defaultValue=string()) | ScriptMaster | |
getHalfLife(string name) | ScriptMaster | |
getHash(string key, string def=string()) | ScriptMaster | inline |
getHashKeys() | ScriptMaster | inline |
getHashNum(string key, double def=0.0f) | ScriptMaster | inline |
getHome() | ScriptMaster | inline |
getIndexContainer(int i) | ScriptMaster | |
getIndexContainer(int i, int j) | ScriptMaster | |
getInt(string title, string label, int value=0, int min=-2147483647, int max=2147483647, int step=1) | ScriptMaster | |
getIntInteractive(string title, string label, int value=0, int min=-2147483647, int max=2147483647, int step=1) | ScriptMaster | |
getItem(string title, string label, Array< string > items, int current=0) | ScriptMaster | |
getItemInteractive(string title, string label, Array< string > items, int current=0) | ScriptMaster | |
getListOfRepositories(string type=string()) | ScriptMaster | |
getLocalFiles(string caption="Select files:", string startDir=string(".")) | ScriptMaster | |
getLocalPath(string caption="Select directory:", string startDir=string(".")) | ScriptMaster | |
getMModeSegmentationTool() | ScriptMaster | |
getMPRWidget() | ScriptMaster | |
getNMCTWidget(string name) | ScriptMaster | |
getOS() | ScriptMaster | |
getROIStats(Index idx, int roiID, int layerID=-1) | ScriptMaster | |
getROIStats(Index idx) | ScriptMaster | |
getSavePath(string caption=string("Select output file:"), string startDir=string("."), string filter=string()) | ScriptMaster | |
getScriptPath() | ScriptMaster | inline |
getTempFolder() | ScriptMaster | |
getText(string title, string label, string text=string(), int mode=0) | ScriptMaster | |
getTextInteractive(string title, string label, string text=string(), int mode=0) | ScriptMaster | |
getValues(string title, VariantMap &map, bool modal=true) | ScriptMaster | |
getVersion() | ScriptMaster | |
getVivoScriptDir() | ScriptMaster | |
getWidget(string name) | ScriptMaster | |
imgHdrImporter() | ScriptMaster | |
imgInfImporter() | ScriptMaster | |
index(int i) | ScriptMaster | |
index(int i, int j) | ScriptMaster | |
isAskingForCancelReason() | ScriptMaster | |
isInteractive() | ScriptMaster | inline |
isTestMode() | ScriptMaster | inline |
loadHash(string fileName) | ScriptMaster | |
loadRepository(string name) | ScriptMaster | |
loadRGB(Index idx, Array< string > imgFiles, float voxX, float voxY, float voxZ, int rgbRep=4, bool forcePlanar=true) | ScriptMaster | |
logMessage(Index dataIndex, string msg, string noipacsTitle=string("Get iPACS from data"), string type=string()) | ScriptMaster | |
logMessage(AbstractDicomRepository *rep, string msg, string type=string()) | ScriptMaster | |
lsDir(string dir, string nameFilter=string(), int filter=QDir::AllEntries|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDir::SortFlags sort=QDir::Name) | ScriptMaster | |
lumiQuantMaster() | ScriptMaster | |
mainWin() | ScriptMaster | |
MASTool(string libraryPath=string("")) | ScriptMaster | |
matrixManipulationTool() | ScriptMaster | |
minMaxTool() | ScriptMaster | |
mipControler() | ScriptMaster | |
mkdir(string path, string subdir) | ScriptMaster | |
multiViewer() | ScriptMaster | |
openFileExternally(string path) | ScriptMaster | |
openNMCT() | ScriptMaster | |
preProcess(string protocol, bool showDialog=false) | ScriptMaster | |
PreProcessingTool(bool showDialog=true) | ScriptMaster | |
progressDialog(string label, string cancelButtonText, int minimum, int maximum) | ScriptMaster | |
query(AbstractDicomRepository *rep, string query, Array< string > arguments=Array< string >(), Object &fields=Object(), bool isPost=false) | ScriptMaster | |
queryDataPoints(AbstractDicomRepository *rep, string type, string uid, string form) | ScriptMaster | |
queryImages(AbstractDicomRepository *rep, string studyInstanceUID, string seriesInstanceUID) | ScriptMaster | |
querySeries(AbstractDicomRepository *rep, string studyInstanceUID) | ScriptMaster | |
queryStudies(AbstractDicomRepository *rep, string patientName, string patientID=string(), string dateRange=string(), string studyDesc=string()) | ScriptMaster | |
queryStudyPlan(AbstractDicomRepository *rep, string plan, string cohort, string group, string animal, string modality, string date, string event="$0") | ScriptMaster | |
quit() | ScriptMaster | |
rand() | ScriptMaster | |
rand(int max) | ScriptMaster | |
rawImporter() | ScriptMaster | |
readCSVFile(string name) | ScriptMaster | |
readFile(string fn) | ScriptMaster | |
renameFile(string filepath, string newname) | ScriptMaster | |
rmDir(string dirpath) | ScriptMaster | |
runNMCT() | ScriptMaster | |
saveDataViaITK(string fn, Index idx) | ScriptMaster | |
saveDataViaITK4D(string fn) | ScriptMaster | |
saveScreenshot(string fileName) | ScriptMaster | |
setConfig(string entry, Variant &val, bool force=false) | ScriptMaster | |
setDebuggerEnabled(bool toShow) | ScriptMaster | |
setECRFCallback(string function) | ScriptMaster | |
setHash(string key, string val) | ScriptMaster | inline |
setInteractive(bool b) | ScriptMaster | inline |
setNMCTOutputFormat(string format) | ScriptMaster | |
setNMCTQuietModeOn() | ScriptMaster | |
setOption(string cbname, string opt) | ScriptMaster | |
setOptionObj(Object obj, string opt) | ScriptMaster | |
setTestMode(bool b=true) | ScriptMaster | inline |
setVersion(string version) | ScriptMaster | |
showMessage(string msg, bool modal=true) | ScriptMaster | |
sin(double f) | ScriptMaster | inline |
sliceViewer() | ScriptMaster | |
splitROI2DICOM(Index idx) | ScriptMaster | |
startTool(string tool, string baseDir=".", Array< string > args=Array< string >()) | ScriptMaster | |
storeAsDICOM(string fn, Index idx, int format=-1, bool compress=false, bool quiet=true) | ScriptMaster | |
storeAsRaw(string fn, Index idx) | ScriptMaster | |
storeData(AbstractDicomRepository *rep, Index idx, int format=-1) | ScriptMaster | |
storeHash(string fileName) | ScriptMaster | |
stripCredentials(string url_string) | ScriptMaster | |
submitDataPoint(AbstractDicomRepository *rep, string uid, Object &data, string type=string()) | ScriptMaster | |
suspend(string message=string()) | ScriptMaster | |
updateProcessingParameters() | ScriptMaster | |
vevoImporter(string filename) | ScriptMaster | |
visibilityManager() | ScriptMaster | |
vtkController() | ScriptMaster | |
vtkViewer() | ScriptMaster | |
waitForECRF(int timeout=0) | ScriptMaster | |
webDisk(string rep) | ScriptMaster | |
workList() | ScriptMaster | |
writeFile(string fn, string text) | ScriptMaster | |
zipTool() | ScriptMaster |