void | signalChangeThemeMode () |
| Receives a signal from ThemeManager about a change in the Configuration UI to change the thread, or a signal from the theme monitoring thread that the system has automatically changed from Light to Dark mode.
void | loadScript () |
| Download DICOM files from an openin URL.
void | importBrukerMR (string directory=string()) |
| Imports a Bruker file via dialog box.
void | print () |
| Prompts a dialog message asking which Slice View the user wants an image of.
void | zoomIn () |
| Zooms in the Display.
void | zoomOut () |
| Zooms out of the Display.
void | normalSize () |
| Sets the slice images to their original size.
void | toggleFullScreen () |
| Switches the users viewer settings so that the entire computer screen displays VivoQuant.
void | showManual () |
| Opens the VivoQuant Manual.
void | saveImage () |
| Opens the 'Save Image' User Interface.
void | saveMovie () |
| Opens the 'Save Movie' User Interface.
void | scaleImage (float factor) |
| Scales the images in the Display to a desired size.
void | showMinMaxTool () |
| Displays the 'Min/Max' Tool.
void | showWorklistTool () |
| Displays the 'Worklist' Tool.
void | showHistogram () |
| Displays the 'Histogram' tool User Interface.
void | bedRemoval () |
| Runs the 'Bed Removal' module.
void | advancedBedRemoval () |
| Opens the 'Bed Removal' tool User Interface.
void | matrixManipulationTool () |
| Opens the 'Matrix Manipulation Tool' User Interface.
void | showHints () |
| Opens the 'Hints' User Interface.
void | setupLayout2x2 () |
| Sets the Display layout to be 2x2.
void | setupLayout1x4 () |
| Sets the Display layout to be 1x4.
void | setupLayoutMIP () |
| Sets the Display layout to display only the MIP view.
void | setupLayoutTrans () |
| Sets the Display layout to display only the Transversal slice view.
void | setupLayoutSlice () |
| Sets the Display to the 'Slices Only' layout.
void | toggleCrosshair () |
| Toggles the Crosshair on/off.
void | setViewMode (int id) |
| Sets the Viewmode to the desired mode.
void | showConfig () |
| Opens the 'Configuration' User Interface.
void | showCalibCTGeometrical () |
| Opens the 'NanoSPECT/CT Geometrical Calibration' User Interface.
void | showCalibMMP () |
| Opens the 'MultiPlexing-MultiPinhole Calibration' User Interface.
void | showDICOMDump () |
| Opens the DICOM header User Interface.
void | renameDICOM () |
| Opens the 'Rename DICOM files' User Interface.
void | relabelDICOMStudies (bool quiet=false) |
| Opens the 'Relabel DICOM Series' User Interface.
void | anonymizeDICOM (bool quiet=false) |
| Opens the 'DICOM Anonymizer' User Interface.
void | closeAnonymizeDICOM () |
| Closes the 'DICOM Anonymizer' User Interface.
void | closeDICOMRelabeler () |
| Closes the 'DICOM Relabeler' User Interface.
void | imageToCapture () |
| Opens the 'Open Image File' User Interface.
void | saveSession (string name=string(), bool quiet=false) |
| Saves a VivoQuant session.
void | loadSession () |
| Opens the 'Load Session' User Interface.
void | loadSession (string name, bool quiet=false) |
| Opens a VivoQuant session.
void | exportSession () |
| Opens the 'Export Session' User Interface to export a session to the current iPACS Repository in use.
void | toggleVCView () |
| Toggles on/off the 'Visual Control' tool
void | toggleMCView () |
| Toggles on/off the 'MIP Control' tool
void | toggleDMView () |
| Toggles on/off the 'Data Manager' tool
void | toggleMinMaxTool () |
| Toggles on/off the 'Min/Max' tool
void | toggleWorkflowWidget () |
| Toggles on/off the 'Workflow' tool
void | openFromIPACSDialog () |
| Opens the 'Open from iPACS Dialog' User Interface
void | undo () |
| "Un-does" the previous action completed in VivoQuant
void | redo () |
| "Re-does" the previous action completed in VivoQuant
void | resetView () |
| Resets the view transform for the current view.
void | showMModeSegmentationTool () |
| Opens the 'M-Mode Segmentation Tool' User Interface.
void | openCorthicknessTool () |
| Open Cortical Thickness Tool.
void | setViewMode (string vm, string op=string()) |
| Sets the view mode and the operator.
virtual QList< QAbstractViewWidget * > | getViews () |
| Get the currently active views.
Array< string > | saveImage (string filename, int objectType, int colBarType=0, int dcmRepType=0, int magnification=1) |
| Saves an image of the specified plane.
Array< string > | saveMovie (string filename, int objectType, int colBarType=0, int dcmRepType=0) |
| Saves a movie (.gif) of the desired planar or 3D view.
void | toggleMIP (bool toEnable) |
| Turns the MIP viewer on or off.
void | installMouseRatAtlas () |
| Installs the default rodent atlas libraries.
void | setMessagePattern (string pattern) |
| Change the message handler output format. Format options
Object for accessing the UI's main window functions.
This object can be used to perform toolbar related actions or to change the current view / operator.
See also ScriptMaster::mainWin() to obtain this object.