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MainWin Class Reference

Object for accessing the UI's main window functions. More...

Public Slots

void signalChangeThemeMode ()
 Receives a signal from ThemeManager about a change in the Configuration UI to change the thread, or a signal from the theme monitoring thread that the system has automatically changed from Light to Dark mode. More...
void loadDCM (string fileArg)
 Load DICOM via file list. More...
void startDcmBrowser (string dir=string())
 Load DICOM browser from command line, optionally at a specific directory. More...
void importBrukerMR (string directory=string())
 Imports a Bruker file via dialog box. More...
void zoomIn ()
 Zooms in the Display.
void zoomOut ()
 Zooms out of the Display.
void normalSize ()
 Sets the slice images to their original size.
void toggleFullScreen ()
 Switches the users viewer settings so that the entire computer screen displays VivoQuant.
void showManual ()
 Opens the VivoQuant Manual.
void saveImage ()
 Opens the 'Save Image' User Interface.
void saveMovie ()
 Opens the 'Save Movie' User Interface.
void scaleImage (float factor)
 Scales the images in the Display to a desired size. More...
void enableOpt (int mod, bool enable)
 Enable VQ mainwin UI functions based on image loaded state. More...
void showMinMaxTool ()
 Displays the 'Min/Max' Tool.
void showWorklistTool ()
 Displays the 'Worklist' Tool.
void showHistogram ()
 Displays the 'Histogram' tool User Interface.
void bedRemoval ()
 Runs the 'Bed Removal' module.
void advancedBedRemoval ()
 Opens the 'Bed Removal' tool User Interface.
void matrixManipulationTool ()
 Opens the 'Matrix Manipulation Tool' User Interface. More...
void showHints ()
 Opens the 'Hints' User Interface.
void setupLayout2x2 ()
 Sets the Display layout to be 2x2.
void setupLayout1x4 ()
 Sets the Display layout to be 1x4.
void setupLayoutMIP ()
 Sets the Display layout to display only the MIP view.
void setupLayoutTrans ()
 Sets the Display layout to display only the Transversal slice view.
void setupLayoutSlice ()
 Sets the Display to the 'Slices Only' layout.
void toggleCrosshair ()
 Toggles the Crosshair on/off.
void setViewMode (int id)
 Sets the Viewmode to the desired mode. More...
void showConfig ()
 Opens the 'Configuration' User Interface.
void showCalibCTGeometrical ()
 Opens the 'NanoSPECT/CT Geometrical Calibration' User Interface.
void showCalibMMP ()
 Opens the 'MultiPlexing-MultiPinhole Calibration' User Interface.
void showDICOMDump ()
 Opens the DICOM header User Interface.
void showDICOMEdit ()
 Opens the DICOM editor User Interface.
void renameDICOM ()
 Opens the 'Rename DICOM files' User Interface.
void relabelDICOMStudies (bool quiet=false)
 Opens the 'Relabel DICOM Series' User Interface. More...
void anonymizeDICOM (bool quiet=false)
 Opens the 'DICOM Anonymizer' User Interface. More...
void closeAnonymizeDICOM ()
 Closes the 'DICOM Anonymizer' User Interface.
void closeDICOMRelabeler ()
 Closes the 'DICOM Relabeler' User Interface.
void imageToCapture ()
 Opens the 'Open Image File' User Interface.
void saveSession (string name=string(), bool quiet=false)
 Saves a VivoQuant session. More...
void loadSession ()
 Opens the 'Load Session' User Interface.
void loadSession (string name, bool quiet=false)
 Opens a VivoQuant session. More...
void exportSession ()
 Opens the 'Export Session' User Interface to export a session to the current iPACS Repository in use.
void toggleVCView ()
 Toggles on/off the 'Visual Control' tool.
void toggleMCView ()
 Toggles on/off the 'MIP Control' tool.
void toggleDMView ()
 Toggles on/off the 'Data Manager' tool.
void toggleMinMaxTool ()
 Toggles on/off the 'Min/Max' tool.
void toggleWorkflowWidget ()
 Toggles on/off the 'Workflow' tool.
void openFromIPACSDialog ()
 Opens the 'Open from iPACS Dialog' User Interface

void undo ()
 "Un-does" the previous action completed in VivoQuant

void redo ()
 "Re-does" the previous action completed in VivoQuant

void resetView ()
 Resets the view transform for the current view.
void showMModeSegmentationTool ()
 Opens the 'M-Mode Segmentation Tool' User Interface.
void openCorthicknessTool ()
 Open Cortical Thickness Tool.
void showStopRecordingButton ()
 Shows the 'Stop Recording' button.
void removeStopRecordingButton ()
 Removes the 'Stop Recording' button.
void updateRecTime (string stopRecTime)
 Updates the time on 'Stop Recording' button.

Public Member Functions

void setViewMode (string vm, string op=string())
 Sets the view mode and the operator. More...
virtual QList< QAbstractViewWidget * > getViews ()
 Get the currently active views. More...
Array< string > saveImage (string filename, int objectType, int colBarType=0, int dcmRepType=0, int magnification=1, string cornerLabelTemplateName="")
 Saves an image of the specified plane. More...
Array< string > saveMovie (string filename, int objectType, int colBarType=0, int dcmRepType=0, string cornerLabelTemplateName="")
 Saves a movie (.gif) of the desired planar or 3D view. More...
void toggleMIP (bool toEnable)
 Turns the MIP viewer on or off. More...
void installMouseRatAtlas ()
 Installs the default rodent atlas libraries.
void setMessagePattern (string pattern)
 Change the message handler output format. Format options More...

Protected Member Functions

void openFromIPACSFile (string filename)
 Opens a file from a known iPACS repository. More...
void openFromIPACS (string url, bool urlFromFile=false)
 Download an ipacs file from an iPACS URL. More...
void openFromIPACSZipacs (string url)
 Download a zipacs file from a zipacs URL.
void showDICOMAnonymizer (int idx=-1, DataManager *dm=nullptr, bool quiet=false)
 Download DICOM files from an openin URL.


class ScriptMaster
class VisibilityManager

Detailed Description

Object for accessing the UI's main window functions.

This object can be used to perform toolbar related actions or to change the current view / operator.

See also ScriptMaster::mainWin() to obtain this object.

Member Function Documentation

◆ anonymizeDICOM

void anonymizeDICOM ( bool  quiet = false)

Opens the 'DICOM Anonymizer' User Interface.

quietSet to true to hide all popup dialog. The anonymization will automatically be applied to all dataset.
See ScriptMaster::getDicomAnonymizer() to obtain the object

◆ enableOpt

void enableOpt ( int  mod,
bool  enable 

Enable VQ mainwin UI functions based on image loaded state.

enablethe state to enable

◆ getViews()

virtual QList<QAbstractViewWidget*> getViews ( )

Get the currently active views.

a list of the currently active views

◆ importBrukerMR

void importBrukerMR ( string  directory = string())

Imports a Bruker file via dialog box.

directory(Optional) The directory of the desired file on iPACS

◆ loadDCM

void loadDCM ( string  fileArg)

Load DICOM via file list.

fileArgfiles to open

◆ loadSession

void loadSession ( string  name,
bool  quiet = false 

Opens a VivoQuant session.

nameThe name of the VivoQuant session being loaded

◆ matrixManipulationTool

void matrixManipulationTool ( )

Opens the 'Matrix Manipulation Tool' User Interface.

See ScriptMaster::matrixManipulationTool() to obtain the object

◆ openFromIPACS()

void openFromIPACS ( string  url,
bool  urlFromFile = false 

Download an ipacs file from an iPACS URL.

urlThe web URL of the desired file on iPACS
urlFromFileWhether or not the url is from a .ipacs file

◆ openFromIPACSFile()

void openFromIPACSFile ( string  filename)

Opens a file from a known iPACS repository.

filenameThe file name and path of the desired file to be opened by the function (eg: home/ipacs/projects/filename.txt)

◆ relabelDICOMStudies

void relabelDICOMStudies ( bool  quiet = false)

Opens the 'Relabel DICOM Series' User Interface.

quietSet to true to hide all popup dialog. The relabeling will automatically be applied to all dataset.
See ScriptMaster::getDicomRelabeler() to obtain the object

◆ saveImage()

Array<string> saveImage ( string  filename,
int  objectType,
int  colBarType = 0,
int  dcmRepType = 0,
int  magnification = 1,
string  cornerLabelTemplateName = "" 

Saves an image of the specified plane.

filenameThe location and desired name of the image you are about to save (eg: C:/Desktop/filename.png)
objectTypeThe plane in which you would like to capture an image (eg: 0 = MIP, 1 = Sag, 2 = Cor, 3 = Tra)
colBarTypeThe color bar type (eg: 0 = none, 1 = no labels, 2 = simple labels, 3 = smar labels), Default is 0
dcmRepTypeThe Storage type (eg: 0 = Local image file, 1 = DICOM Secondary Capture), Default is 0
magnificationThe Magnification factor for image, Default is 1
cornerLabelTemplateNameThe name of an existing corner label template ("None" to save the image without any corner label), Default is an empty string

◆ saveMovie()

Array<string> saveMovie ( string  filename,
int  objectType,
int  colBarType = 0,
int  dcmRepType = 0,
string  cornerLabelTemplateName = "" 

Saves a movie (.gif) of the desired planar or 3D view.

filenameThe location and desired name of the .gif file you are about to save (eg: C:/Desktop/filename.png
objectTypeThe plane in which the movie will use for the fly-through (eg: 0 = MIP, 1 = Sag, 2 = Cor, 3 = Tra)
colBarTypeThe color bar type (eg: 0 = none, 1 = no labels, 2 = simple labels, 3 = smar labels), Default is 0
dcmRepTypeThe Storage type (eg: 0 = Local image file, 1 = DICOM Secondary Capture), Default is 0
cornerLabelTemplateNameThe name of an existing corner label template ("None" to save the image without any corner label), Default is an empty string
A .gif file in the specified pathway

◆ saveSession

void saveSession ( string  name = string(),
bool  quiet = false 

Saves a VivoQuant session.

nameThe desired name of the session being saved

◆ scaleImage

void scaleImage ( float  factor)

Scales the images in the Display to a desired size.

factorThe scaling factor, or the quantity in which the current image dimensions will be multiplied

◆ setMessagePattern()

void setMessagePattern ( string  pattern)

Change the message handler output format. Format options

patternThe pattern that will be used by log messages

◆ setViewMode [1/2]

void setViewMode ( int  id)

Sets the Viewmode to the desired mode.

idThe corresponding desired viewmode (0 = Slice View, 1 = Tile View, 2 = Multi View, 3 = MPR View)

◆ setViewMode() [2/2]

void setViewMode ( string  vm,
string  op = string() 

Sets the view mode and the operator.

vmThe desired viewer mode (Slice View, Tile View, Multi View, MPR View)
opThe operator within the view mode that is desired (Navigator, Reorientation/Registration, 3D ROI Tool, etc.)

◆ signalChangeThemeMode

void signalChangeThemeMode ( )

Receives a signal from ThemeManager about a change in the Configuration UI to change the thread, or a signal from the theme monitoring thread that the system has automatically changed from Light to Dark mode.

This should be the main triggering to update the rest of the UI to match the intended theme.

◆ startDcmBrowser

void startDcmBrowser ( string  dir = string())

Load DICOM browser from command line, optionally at a specific directory.

dira directory to open to

◆ toggleMIP()

void toggleMIP ( bool  toEnable)

Turns the MIP viewer on or off.

toEnableA true/false value to instruct the function to turn the MIP on or off (True = on, False = off)