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VTKController Class Reference

Object for controling the VTK Viewer. More...

Public Slots

void forceRender ()
 force refresh the VTKViwer if vtk status is not up to date. Example use case: after loading a ROI in 3D ROI operator but ROI in VTKViewer is not shown. More...
void rotateZ (float angle)
 rotation VTK object with angle in degree
void setEnableGradientBackground (bool toEnable)
 enable or disable gray background
void setMIPEnabled (bool toEnable)
 enable or disable MIP volume
void setMPREnabled (bool toEnable)
 enable or disable MPR view
void setCrosshairMode (bool toEnable)
 enable or disable crosshair
void setAutoUpdate (bool toEnable)
 enable autoUpdate, with autoUpdate On. user do not need to call forceRender() or updateVolumeColors() after make changes

Public Member Functions

void rotateCamera (int x, int y, int z)
 rotate the camera around the object (focus point). More...
void panCamera (double x, double y)
 Pan camera horizontally and vertically. More...
void zoomCamera (double z)
 Zoom in or Zoom out camera. More...
void setCameraPosition (double x, double y, double z)
 set camera position in Cartesian coordinates More...
void setCameraSplineMovement (QList< Variant > locations, bool closeSpline=true)
 Set camera to move on the spline defined by user parameters. More...
string getCameraSplineMovement ()
 get camera to move on the spline defined by user parameters More...
bool getMIPEnabled ()
 Check if VTK Volume Rendering(Max Intensity Projection) is enabled.
bool getMPREnabled ()
 Check if VTK Multiplanar Reconstruction is enabled.
bool getAnnotationEnabled ()
 Check if VTK Annottation text is enabled.
void setAnnotationEnabled (bool toEnable)
 Enable or disable VTK Annottation text. Enable or disable The image Toggle indicator(before 4.0Invicro1) Use VQ.MainWin().switchShowActive(bool) in later version.
bool getOrientEnabled ()
 Check if VTK orientation widget is enabled.
void setOrientEnabled (bool toEnable)
 Enable or disable VTK orientation widget.
string getRenderSpeed ()
 return rendering quality.
string getAnnotationModel ()
 get current orientation widget model name
void forceVolumeMapperMode (int mode)
 Sets requested volume rendering mode. Options are: 0: Default, in configuration; 2: RayCastRenderMode 4: GPURenderMode.
void resetColorControls ()
 Sets all color controls back to their defaults.
void setActiveVolume (int idx)
 Set the current active volume. More...
int currentActiveVolume ()
 Get the current active volume index. More...
bool isClippingEnabled ()
 Get the status of the volume clipping. More...
bool isClippingBoundingBoxEnabled ()
 Get the status of the clipping bounding boxes. More...
void setStillUpdateRate (double factor)
 Sets update speed for volume rendering. Factor can be interpreted as "Frames/sec". In summary: larger factor=faster rendering, smaller factor=slower rendering. More...
bool getAutoUpdate ()
 returns the state of automatic rendering
void setSmoothingIterations (int iter)
 Sets the number of iterations done by vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter. More iterations create smoother ROI surfaces. Default value is 15. More...
void setFeatureAngle (double angle)
 Sets the feature angle for the vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter. A feature edge occurs when the angle between the two surface normals of a polygon sharing an edge is greater than the FeatureAngle. Default value is 120 degrees. More...
void setPassBand (double passBand)
 Sets the pass band used by vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter. By design, the PassBand is specified as a doubleing point number between 0 and 2. Lower PassBand values produce more smoothing. Default value is 0.001. More...
void disableAxes (bool b=true)
 enable or disable Axes in vtk
void setPatientsName (string text)
 Sets the bottom left corner label on the VTK view. More...
void setCornerOrEdgeLabel (string text, int &location)
 Sets corner label on the VTK view Be aware that VQ may overwrite the corner label for it's own status messages to the user. More...
void setMPRPlanes (int planes)
 turn on and off MPR palne More...
void setScalarOpacityPoints (int imgIdx, QList< Variant > imgRange, QList< Variant > opacityRange)
 setOpacityPoints sets the opacity piece-wise function for the VTK MIP's volume pixel opacities More...
void saveVTKViewerStatus (string str)
 save all current VTKViewer status in a text file, including view angle, distance, annotation text, orientation widget, rendering mode ... More...
void restoreVTKViewerStatus (string str)
 restore VTKViewer status from a text file More...
bool setPreset (Index idx, string name)
 Set the specified color function preset. More...
string getPresetName (Index idx)
 Get the secified color function preset name. More...
bool createPreset (string name, bool quiet=false)
 Create a preset from the current color function selection. More...
bool removePreset (string name)
 Remove the specified preset from the list. More...
void setViewAngleRange (int nbSteps)
 Set the range of the view angle slider [0 nbSteps]. More...
int getViewAngleRange ()
 Get the range of the view angle slider.
void setViewAnglePos (int pos)
 Set the view angle slider position inside to the range. More...
int getViewAnglePos ()
 Get the view angle slider positio.
void enableClipping (bool isEnabled)
 Enable or disable the volume clipping. More...
void enableClippingBoundingBox (bool toEnable)
 Enable or disable the clipping bounding box. More...

Detailed Description

Object for controling the VTK Viewer.

See also ScriptMaster::vtkController() to obtain this object.

Member Function Documentation

◆ createPreset()

bool createPreset ( string  name,
bool  quiet = false 

Create a preset from the current color function selection.

nameThe name of the preset
quietDo not prompt message box if preset already exist, forces overwrite.

◆ currentActiveVolume()

int currentActiveVolume ( )

Get the current active volume index.

An integer from 0 to 2 representing the active volume.

◆ enableClipping()

void enableClipping ( bool  isEnabled)

Enable or disable the volume clipping.

isEnabledTrue if enabled, false otherwise

◆ enableClippingBoundingBox()

void enableClippingBoundingBox ( bool  toEnable)

Enable or disable the clipping bounding box.

isEnabledTrue if enabled, false otherwise

◆ forceRender

void forceRender ( )

force refresh the VTKViwer if vtk status is not up to date. Example use case: after loading a ROI in 3D ROI operator but ROI in VTKViewer is not shown.

example: VQ.vtkController().forceRender();

◆ getCameraSplineMovement()

string getCameraSplineMovement ( )

get camera to move on the spline defined by user parameters

return spline points defined in string format

◆ getPresetName()

string getPresetName ( Index  idx)

Get the secified color function preset name.

nameThe data index to get the preset name from
The name of the preset

◆ isClippingBoundingBoxEnabled()

bool isClippingBoundingBoxEnabled ( )

Get the status of the clipping bounding boxes.

True if enabled, false otherwise

◆ isClippingEnabled()

bool isClippingEnabled ( )

Get the status of the volume clipping.

True if enabled, false otherwise

◆ panCamera()

void panCamera ( double  x,
double  y 

Pan camera horizontally and vertically.

xshift distance along X-Axis (a scale factor: 0 ? 300 in percentage, the base unit distance is DimX * PixelSizeX)
yshift distance along Y-Axis (a scale factor: 0 ? 300 in percentage, the base unit distance is DimY * PixelSizeY)

◆ removePreset()

bool removePreset ( string  name)

Remove the specified preset from the list.

nameThe preset name

◆ restoreVTKViewerStatus()

void restoreVTKViewerStatus ( string  str)

restore VTKViewer status from a text file

outputfilename and path
example: var path = "C:\status.txt"; VQ.vtkController().restoreVTKViewerStatus( path );

◆ rotateCamera()

void rotateCamera ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z 

rotate the camera around the object (focus point).

xdegree along X-axis (0-359) degree
ydegree along Y-axis (0-359) degree
zdegree along Z-axis (0-359) degree

◆ saveVTKViewerStatus()

void saveVTKViewerStatus ( string  str)

save all current VTKViewer status in a text file, including view angle, distance, annotation text, orientation widget, rendering mode ...

outputfilename and path
example: var path = "C:\status.txt"; VQ.vtkController().saveVTKViewerStatus( path );

◆ setActiveVolume()

void setActiveVolume ( int  idx)

Set the current active volume.

idxThe index of the volume.

◆ setCameraPosition()

void setCameraPosition ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

set camera position in Cartesian coordinates

xcoordinate in x axis
ycoordinate in y axis
zcoordinate in z axis

◆ setCameraSplineMovement()

void setCameraSplineMovement ( QList< Variant >  locations,
bool  closeSpline = true 

Set camera to move on the spline defined by user parameters.

locationsA list of points specifying camera location. The function will use these points to calculate the spline. The points are arrays with either four elements for spherical (theta, phi, roll, radius) coordinates or three elements for Cartesian (x, y, z) coordinates.
closeSplineWhether the spine is closed

◆ setCornerOrEdgeLabel()

void setCornerOrEdgeLabel ( string  text,
int &  location 

Sets corner label on the VTK view Be aware that VQ may overwrite the corner label for it's own status messages to the user.

Thetext to display in the corner
Thelocaton: 0 - LowerLeft 1 - LowerRight 2 - UpperLeft 3 - UpperRight 4 - LowerEdge 5 - RightEdge 6 - LeftEdge 7 - UpperEdge

◆ setFeatureAngle()

void setFeatureAngle ( double  angle)

Sets the feature angle for the vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter. A feature edge occurs when the angle between the two surface normals of a polygon sharing an edge is greater than the FeatureAngle. Default value is 120 degrees.

angleThe angle in degrees

◆ setMPRPlanes()

void setMPRPlanes ( int  planes)

turn on and off MPR palne

Theplane: 0. all off
  1. sagittal
  2. coronal
  3. sagittal & coronal
  4. transverse
  5. transervse & sagittal
  6. transervse & coronal
  7. all on

◆ setPassBand()

void setPassBand ( double  passBand)

Sets the pass band used by vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter. By design, the PassBand is specified as a doubleing point number between 0 and 2. Lower PassBand values produce more smoothing. Default value is 0.001.

passBandThe pass band

◆ setPatientsName()

void setPatientsName ( string  text)

Sets the bottom left corner label on the VTK view.

And will be replaced by setCornerOrEdgeLabel to be more generic and have control over all four corners

◆ setPreset()

bool setPreset ( Index  idx,
string  name 

Set the specified color function preset.

nameThe data index to apply to preset to
nameThe name of the preset

◆ setScalarOpacityPoints()

void setScalarOpacityPoints ( int  imgIdx,
QList< Variant >  imgRange,
QList< Variant >  opacityRange 

setOpacityPoints sets the opacity piece-wise function for the VTK MIP's volume pixel opacities

imgRangemust be between 0.0 -> 1.0
opacityRangemust be between 0.0 -> 1.0

◆ setSmoothingIterations()

void setSmoothingIterations ( int  iter)

Sets the number of iterations done by vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter. More iterations create smoother ROI surfaces. Default value is 15.

iterThe number of iterations

◆ setStillUpdateRate()

void setStillUpdateRate ( double  factor)

Sets update speed for volume rendering. Factor can be interpreted as "Frames/sec". In summary: larger factor=faster rendering, smaller factor=slower rendering.

doubleThe speed factor

◆ setViewAnglePos()

void setViewAnglePos ( int  pos)

Set the view angle slider position inside to the range.

posThe position

◆ setViewAngleRange()

void setViewAngleRange ( int  nbSteps)

Set the range of the view angle slider [0 nbSteps].

nbStepsThe range in steps

◆ zoomCamera()

void zoomCamera ( double  z)

Zoom in or Zoom out camera.

zdistance to focus point (a scale factor: 0 ? 300 in percentage, the base unit distance is the default distance