The second data set loaded into VivoQuant is called the Input data and refers to the SPECT data. When loading multiple data sets from the Data browser, VivoQuant recognizes SPECT/PET data and automatically sets it as the input file. For dual isotope imaging, two input data sets can be added simultaneously. VivoQuant is capable of handling several Supported File Formats

Getting There

There are different methods for appending data. The first method is to use the “Append Data” Data Browser thumbnails in the Main Window.

Append Data
Append Data

The second method is to go to File > Append Data.

Main Window
Main Window

The third method is to use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N to load input 1, and Ctrl+Shift+N to load additional inputs. For more on keyboard shortcuts in VivoQuant, please see Keyboard Shortcuts.


Selection of the Append Data option opens a navigation window from which the input data set may be selected.

Navigation Window
Navigation Window

Quick Filter Lists

  1. Data files: *.ras *.raw *.zraw *.bin *.dcm *.dicom 1.* *.dc3 *.vol *.img *.mhd *.mha *.fdf *.nii *.nii.gz *.tif *.zipacs r*.config 2dseq *.log *.xxm *.gel *.v *.i *.bimg *.mimg *.vxml
  2. TRaster: *.ras *.res *.bin
  3. DICOM files *.dcm *.dicom *.dc3 1.* (Common DICOM file name prefix)
  4. Image files *.png *.tif *.tiff *.jpg *.jpeg *jp2 *.bmp
  5. ZiPACS files *.zipacs
  6. All Files *

See supported Supported File Formats