The Annotation tool allows you to write and save a comment on any of the files currently loaded in the Data Manager

Adding An Annotation

Right click on the data in the DM you want to edit and select Annotate.

Add Annotation
Add Annotation

Write your comment and select OK.

Write Comment
Write Comment

Your annotation will appear in the data as Ann. It will read Ann: [user] [date]:[annotation]

Annotated Data
Annotated Data

You can add as many annotations as needed following the same steps as above. To view all your annotations in full, right click on the data and select Show Annotations.

Show Annotations
Show Annotations
Annotations Panel
Annotations Panel

You can also check, edit, and delete your annotations in iPACS. Just log in, locate the file you annotated, click on its number of data points (DP) and a chart will appear with your annotation and options to edit or delete.

Annotations can only be deleted in iPACS. You have to refresh your iPACS browser or update VivoQuant in order for your annotation edits to appear in either.